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Friday, June 18, 2010


I realise people can see me singing loudly alone in my car as I blaze a trail along the highway, but I wear big fuck-off sunnies like i'm famous so I don't mind.

This is the stuff, which I highly recommend, that's on high-rotation (in my 1-disc CD player, which proves to be a bit of a logistical nightmare as I'm yet to master multi-tasking while driving).

The Horrors - both their Strange House and when i'm feeling a bit more ambient, Primary Colours

A bit of a Bowie mix-tape, while I danerously apply my lightning-bolt makeup in the rear vision mirror
 Slap on my Joy Division best-of when i'm feeling depresso (doesn't usually help the situation..)
Whatever, judge me, but Ready For the Weekend is a good album

Jamie T - both his albums are genius and good for when i'm feeling moody and cockney (which is surprisingly often...)

Or sometimes I just turn off the CD player and address the camera...

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