Welcome to Teddy Pickle - the blog that, above all, strives to be both relevant and irrelevant at the same time.

Monday, December 6, 2010


In the vein of the great Sir Davey Attenborough, let's get our documentary on.

Just like some zoologist out in the deepest Amazon, I often find myself attentively studying the fascinating, beautiful, ugly, frightening and beguiling specimens around me - at a cafe, at the pub where I work, on the tram... anywhere and everywhere. It's such a great (not to mention, creepy) way to pass the time - just simply sitting back and watching little comedies/dramas unfold, characters clashing, lovers canoodling. You could spend hours just sitting there and studying the infinite amount of different specimens that make up our society.

One such specimen i've been encountering frequently in the wild is what I call the "gaysian" (or Asiatic Homosexualis)

Please don't dismiss me as a racist homophobe (I especially love the Japanese and heck - I like Lady Gaga). But there's simply no denying - i've been spotting many a gaysian on my various safaris around the diverse jungle of Melbourne.

At first I thought that perhaps homosexuality was more common among Asians, but then I realised "no, maybe it's just because of the heightened scrutiny we practise on those that are different to us". In other words, maybe I'm just noticing the humble "gaysian" because i'm simply not Asian.

Perhaps, away from the more conservative climates of most Asian countries, the homosexual Asian feels more comfortable being "loud and proud" in the more accepting and diverse wilds of Melbourne?

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