Welcome to Teddy Pickle - the blog that, above all, strives to be both relevant and irrelevant at the same time.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


It happens when you least expect it. Any time, any day - it pounces (somewhat lethargically) from the shadows. You look to your left, look to your right and there they are - the faceless horde. With a hunger more ravenous than the Undead and with multiplying powers to rival the horniest of rodents. Clutching at Coke cans, muffin-tops quivering - the unstoppable fatty force descends.

It's not pride or disdain that I feel when I see one of them - it's deep, dark, cold fear. Fear that one day, not unlike the inevitability of zombie invasion, i'll become the very thing I fear. Fat.

Let's not kid ourselves. It's not an aspiration to live healthy, wholesome lives that drive us to shun the doughnuts and punish ourselves with exercise - it's fear that drives us.

Or perhaps i'm just speaking for myself. It's somewhat motivating when you used to look like Pugsley from the Addams Family. We all need a bit of healthy fear to keep us looking beautiful.

But there's another fear that worries me much more than my own trivial insecurities. Fat people seem to be outnumbering non-fatties at an alarming rate. Where will we be as a society in the next few decades?

I know where i'll be - hiding out in a boarded-up shopping centre armed with a shotgun, waiting out the zombie invasion. Oh, it's coming.

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