Welcome to Teddy Pickle - the blog that, above all, strives to be both relevant and irrelevant at the same time.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

help me, buddha!

 I recently read a book which has both inspired me and scared the shit out of me. No, it wasn't The Bible (that's only been good for scaring the shit out of me so far).

It was a little blue paperback ironically called "Hurry Up and Meditate" by David Michie. Long story short, I've realised that I need to start meditating, otherwise i'm as good as dead. Pretty much.

I drink too much coffee, I don't get enough sleep, my diet is as erratic and irregular as Melbourne's weather (I sincerely apologise for using that horribly over-used cliche) and I don't really know what it's like to not feel stressed. According to Michie, meditation could cure all of my ills, but there's just one little problem:

Meditation is fucking hard. I just can't seem to tranquilise the psychotic monkey in my head and focus solely on my breathing for 10-15 minutes.

I blame you, Facebook...

... and multiple tabs on internet browers and iPod's shuffle function and Youtube clips and the ridiculous, inescapable amounts of inane advertising everywhere you look...

In short, i'm one stressed-out little goldfish and hopefully meditation will "clean out my fishbowl", so to speak.

Wish me luck.


1 comment:

  1. I noticed no one's commented on this. First of all, don't worry. Meditation is supposed to be hard, and there isn't any particular "state" you're aiming for. I mean, there is, but a beginner isn't even supposed to begin to know what it is. Just sit and be with yourself. Feel your own self, freaking out and being as distracting and crazy as can be. If you can't calm down, just do it. Just be there. That's the beginning of meditation, and it will be like that until it's something else. And even when you get "good" at meditating, it'll still be crazy. The relaxation and bliss can't come if you're not nice to yourself. In fact, loving kindness toward oneself is key to feeling peaceful. Makes sense, doesn't it?
